I am not one who generally makes social commentary, but this whole situation in Nova Scotia, is something which is as representative of a pandemic as is COVID-19. I'll get to that in a moment, but first, the death toll has now reached 23 people.
Whatever drives someone to cause mayhem to so many people and families I do not know. How desperately unhappy does someone have to be in order to think that killing as many people as possible is the way to alleviate their pain. I cannot imagine. This man's mental health had crumbled to such a state that that is all he felt he was left with, killing.
This is why I am so concerned about the mental health of children and the adults who care for them. Crashing mental health is a major issue in our society today. The Nova Scotia murders are an extreme example of what can happen, but suicide, addictions of all kinds, domestic abuse and more, are further examples of what happens when people lose focus on their own mental health.
There is an idea being touted by Q101 radio, here in Merritt, to show support for the people who lost their lives, and the families of those who lost family members, for the province of Nova Scotia and, in truth, for all of Canada. Please hang a Canadian flag somewhere prominently, for all to see, with the message, #Nova Scotia Strong &/or #Canada Strong.
Then, moving forward, let's support mental health initiatives that will give actual help to people who are suffering. We all know someone who is suffering. None of us enjoys seeing a loved one spinning out of emotional control. It is imperative that we find a way to help before we have more situations arising like the one in Nova Scotia.