Our First Publication!

SQUAWKER - Free as a Bird

About Squawker - Free as a Bird
Squawker is not your ordinary crow. He was raised with a boy, cat, dog, and hamster for siblings. But, now Squawker would like to learn to fly like the other crows. Can he find a way to get off the ground?
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Purchase a copy of Squawker - Free as a Bird.


Our 2nd Publication

SQUAWKER - Free to Party

About Squawker - Free to Party
Squawker is not your ordinary crow. He was raised with a boy, cat, dog, and hamster for siblings. But, now what is Squawker up to?
Purchase the Book $25.99 (Includes Shipping)
Purchase a copy of Squawker - Free to Party.

Our 3rd Squawker Book!

SQUAWKER - Friends Aren't Free

About Squawker - Friends Aren't Free
For the third book in the Squawker series our excitable bird runs into some relationship issues, and his friendships become quite strained. Can he overcome those issues of thoughtlessness and exuberance to reestablish his failing friendships? Read Squawker’s newest adventure and find out.
Purchase the Book $25.99 (Includes Shipping)
Purchase a copy of Squawker - Friends Aren't Free.